Thursday, December 16, 2004

Yo, Loki

Don't go gettin' any ideas, ya heah?

We let the dwarf do any treasure dividin' around here!


Blogger JskaH said...

Hmmmmm...It does present an interesting technique. But Loki and I are too honest to steal your treasure. Believe me, we'd like to. And as I consider the wonders of my "keen" magical dwarven waraxe +1, I am tempted, but alas, friendship and fairplay stand in the way. And you guys are smart enough to wonder where I got 8000+ gps from!

11:10 AM

Blogger Zoe said...

Has the rogue ever done wrong by any of you? Just remember who always takes watch while you sleep. Keep in mind that Loki does what's in Loki's best interest. It's not in Loki's best interest to pry a dwarven war ax out of her chest cavity. And, if that ever happened I believe Loki would need the cleric to cast cure moderate wounds. So, why screw with a good thing. If anyone was going to trick you guys out of treasure it would be the one who always rolls 20 on bling checks.

9:33 AM

Blogger Phollower said...

Thorin: After rolling the aforementioned 20 "This gigantic gem is clearly a fake. I'll hang onto it and throw it out later..."

11:38 AM

Blogger JskaH said...

Listen deathlord, don't be casting the dwarf's bling checks in a negative light. You might find your real lacking in "bling" if you know what I mean!

12:48 PM


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