Meet Saphira

No picking on her gimpy right eye - I spent like 45 minutes trying to fix it. Or her hooker red lipstick either...she's not a favored soul for nuttin'! :)

I really like how the hair and cloak turned out by using red and chestnut washes, much better than the gimpy eye. All ready have the extra 100 gp spent, too!
Very nice. The armor looks awesome. Caprico will be able to see his reflection in your ass.
8:32 AM
I think there is meaning in that thar name. What's with all the red heads in this campain? It aught to make a certain halfling happy.
9:05 AM
Her name is lifted from the name of the main dragon from the novel "Eragon" because I'm not creative with names - lol! (Allessia was lifted directly from the name of the cleric in Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 for the PS2.) And she's red headed because that was the only hair-ish colored paint in the house yesterday, and the whole thing that I will be playing her. I am not my character, I am not my character...
9:19 AM
It sure will make a certain halfling happy. And from his vantage point he'll be able to tell if the girls are natural redheads.
10:02 AM
She looks AWESOME!
I think a certain halfling wishes there were more red heads in his real life too.
1:41 PM
What, you mean this isn't real life?!
4:08 PM
uh-oh, do you need to read that warning label in the inside cover of your player's manual, Loki?? ;)
4:10 PM
They took the warning label out of the 3.5 version so now that we've changed campaigns this IS real life.
8:20 AM
sweet...will my boots of escaping work to get me out of my cube and get me back home??
8:26 AM
don't know that's asking a lot...roll a d20
8:23 AM
You can add your Escape Artist bonus but you suffer a -4 Circumstance penalty due to the "Magic Cube of Depression" effect that permanently resides on all cubicals. Tough one.
8:36 AM
>.< left my new found fuzzy d20 at home today! Can I take a 20?? Maybe a gaseous form potion would work so I could float out the ventilation system. Spider climb potion would be fun to sneak up on folks above their cubes unknowingly. *evil grin* I'm willing to try a skiving snackbox too for that matter! Wait, mixing up my genres here...
9:51 AM
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