Tuesday, February 14, 2006

this Friday's dinner

Just a reminder, my sister will be here this weekend. We are going to pick up dinner at Blue Nile. Let me know what you want. It is Mediterranean. If you want suggestions or have questions, let me know. I will try to get a take-out menu tomorrow.

Also, my sister is going to play Death Boy's character while she is here if that is ok with everyone. I thought she'd like it better to play than to just watch. I will help her. Mostly, is that ok with you Death Boy? We did not know if you were planning to come this weekend or not. The D.L. can figure something else out I am sure if you are planning to come.


Blogger Frank said...

Fine by me. If everyone else has leveled up, can I also?

Anyway, it should be pretty simple for her to stay in character if she follows these rules:
1) If it moves, kill it.
2) If it's dead, eat it.
3) Rage early, rage often (1/day).
4) Don't die (much).
(Man, playing a simple barbarian is so much more fun than a paladin-wannabe cleric)

9:40 AM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

Ah, but it felt so nice to turn 5 out of 6 zombies that attacked us in the night :D Just call me Durkon, TURN UNDEAD!

Damn, I have to work on that campaign blog >.<

9:52 AM

Blogger Phollower said...

If it's ok with everybody, I'd like to just pretend Garrick's been with you for this trip rather than come up with a reason for how he shows up. I thought about whipping up a 1st level ranger or fighter or someone easy to play who lives in or near the swamp and bumps into the characters and wants to help stop the goblins because they've been getting pretty frisky lately and coming closer to his home but I really doubt I'm going to have time to do it. So, much like Varsuvious's bird, *Poof!* there's Garrick!

4:59 PM

Blogger Zoe said...

I would like a Hummus Jerusalem Sandwich (or pita, whatever it's called) and a Jerusalem Salad.

9:34 AM

Blogger Fellhammer said...

Garrick just remembered that he was going to get the bear pelt and came back to collect.

After finding out how close to death we came he felt bad he wasn't their to help his friends so wants to help out with this mission before he heads back to pay his debts.

Helping with this mission is really going to put him behind in getting back to nantuket, but he'd rather be late than lose his friends.

10:06 AM

Blogger Frank said...

What he said. Does this mean I get to level up with you guys also?

10:46 AM

Blogger Zoe said...

Michizzle would like that kabob(?) sandwich in the beef/steak variety. It's that sandwich that Phollower gets.

12:33 PM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

Fell and I are picky as hell and will just bring along our own boring ol' dinner :)

1:19 PM

Blogger MrsOz said...

I think I did alright last night. We had a blast and Garrick did well. Thanks so much for letting me play your character. It was scary that I actually got some of it, but that's OK.

Garrick raged right away in your honor. He killed alligators, goblins, and also Nerk the hostage goblin. He snapped the hostage's throat without a second thought.

We had so much fun.

4:57 PM


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