Alas Poor Malikar, We Hardly Knew Ye
Rappan Athuk has taken its first adventurer from our band. Malikar was devoured by the massive Stewart monster. Being a neutral good cleric, I picked up a camera to capture the Malikar's last moments...of course I wasn't going to blow another thrid level spell! I will forever remember her assless chaps :(

Oh the humanity! Gee whiz, Stewart is almost more annoying captured on film. Just out of habit I picked up and threw my monitor as soon as I saw him on the screen.
8:19 AM
Oh he's sweet and everyone loves Scooter!
10:31 AM
While on the subject of assless chaps this just needed to be shared:
Anybody's Spidey Senses tingling?
1:34 PM
I think that might be one of the grossist things I have ever read - awesome post!
4:59 PM
How in the hell did you ever find my anonymous posting?
11:26 AM
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