Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Breaking the Silence

Awhile back, I picked up a book entiled Zobmondo which is chokful of questions about awkward/embarrasing/gross choices. Figured I'd share a question here to get the words flowing. Only one rule, no saying "I'd rather not do either choice".

Question 1: Would you rather be in New York with a Southern accent or in the South with a New York accent?

My answer: In New York with a Southern accent since I pick up a Southern twang much too easily. :)

Your turn!!


Blogger JskaH said...

I go with NYC with a Southern accent since I would not want to be in the South at all.

1:33 PM

Blogger Zoe said...

I'd much rather be in NY with a southern accent. That would mean that I had left the south and I would never go back. I already live as far south as I'm willing to live.

This was a much better I'd rather question than I once encountered while taking a personality test one day. The most horrifying I'd rather question I've encountered is; would you rather have your mom or your dad walk in on you while you are masterbating-neither was not an option.

4:12 PM

Blogger Phollower said...

I saw a game at Game Preserve that worked on this same idea. I can't remember what it was called but the question on the box that I thought was really good was, "Would you rather have cheated on your spouse and have no one know or have not cheated on your spouse but have everyone (including the spouse) think you did?" I guess I'd go with the latter. Easier to live with myself that way.

8:38 AM

Blogger Phollower said...

And Loki, couldn't you just have answered, "I don't masturbate." By the time the uproarious laughter died down the question would've been forgotten.

8:39 AM

Blogger Frank said...

The accent question depends on what the meaning of "be" is: I'd probably rather *live* in NY with a Southern accent, but I'd rather *visit* the South with a NY accent. I'm too much of a fan of "My Cousin Vinny" to pass up that opportunity.

As for the spouse question, I think the second option (not cheating, but being suspected) would, in the long run, be much simpler for my little brain to handle. I'd prefer to have to be rightously indignant about the false accusations than constantly anxious about my own duplicitous moral failure...

And, um, was there another question?

9:43 AM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

I'd rather have everybody else thinking that I cheated on my spouse. For one, I couldn't live with the guilt of doing so. Two, I can't lie to Fell worth a crap so he'd know anyways!

10:18 AM

Blogger Fellhammer said...

New york with southern accent.

Everyone think but not have done.

3:11 PM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

I need an explanation there Fell!! Explain yourself, that's the fun part :D

3:11 PM

Blogger Fellhammer said...

New York with a Southern Accent

As the comedian Jeff Foxworthy said, when you have a southern accent people automatically subtract IQ points. This leads to underestemation and the opportunity to voice your ideas without fear. If the idea is a good one you get extra credit for coming up with it. If it was a bad one...well no one expected a good one anyway.

Allows you to play up on your successes and downplay the "doh" moments.

Sort of the same reason I always agree if someone calls me stupid. They can't fault me for the bad ideas, but are forced to give me credit for the good ones.

As for everyone thinking that I had cheated, although it would make life hard. It would not make it as hard as actually doing it and having to live with yourself. So pretty much just like everyone else, it's easier to live with the yourself and the world against you than have the world behind you without being able to live with yourself.

8:12 AM


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