Monday, June 06, 2005

Odd coincidence

On a whim I tried googling "deathboy" - this was a nom de guerre I used back when I was playing a lot of LAN games (Marathon especially) in grad school. Turns out that there's a band with the same name that I did not know about (honest) but I suspect I'd like their music). But given that I'm now using the name on a DND-oriented blog, the coincidence is slightly more bizarre. Check out Deathboy and click on the "The Band" link in the left-hand column...


Blogger Zoe said...

I hope you have better stats than that guy.

9:29 AM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

Gads..that must be a group with no cleric, hardly any of them could pass a wisdom check!

10:25 AM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

Let's see...googling Allessia leads me to many articles about Baldurs Gate 2: Dark Alliance where I originally swiped the name from. A nude model. Buried 4 pages deep is good ol' Sup Kitty. And buried another page deeper is a mention of my cleric in DAOC on the site for Immortal Crusaders, the guild to which we belong.

10:37 AM


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