'Sup Kitty logo tee transfers are here!

Choose from two stylish color schemes. Each transfer is approximately 4" wide and comes with an optional www.supkitty.com transfer for tee back or sleeve.
Quantities are limited. Don't miss out! Place your order today!
Price: $0.00 You save: A crapload of cash.
Please specify design and transfer type.
BOG-COLOR - blue/orange/grey kitty for color T-shirt
PINK-COLOR - pink kitty for color T-shirt
BOG-WHITE - blue/orange/grey kitty for white T-shirt
PINK-WHITE - pink kitty for white T-shirt
Doesn't Bob look dashing in his new 'Sup Kitty ringer tee?
And ladies - don't forget to think outside "the box". These transfers aren't just for t-shirts. Add a chic 'sup kitty logo to your favorite thong.
Men - try wrapping that package with a stylish new pair of 'sup kitty briefs! (Sorry, Steve. Maybe I can make you a temporary tattoo instead)

At these prices, they won't last! ORDER NOW!!!!
OMG! Glad none of my cube neighbors are in today because that's HILARIOUS!
4:02 PM
I'd like Mr. Outside the box. I'm ambidextious you know.
5:20 PM
ACK! My hitting refresh days are over...we have a stat counter! Erm,all the .lilly.com and .tds.net visits are um...somebody other than me, yeah.
10:06 PM
Yeah, we added the stat counter over the weekend. It also tracks unique hits and return hits and displays them in a bar graph. We'll bring a print out Friday.
9:28 AM
Will I get a cookie for having the most visits for the week? Cause if not, I'd rather not know how many billions of times I come out here :)
3:41 PM
OK, so what do we actually need to do to get one of the transfers? Just let you guys know? Let us know what they actually cost cause I think they're excellent and I want a blue and orange one. By the way, why did you Photoshop that dude's head onto my body?
8:40 AM
We're just printing them onto iron-on t-shirt transfer paper on our ink jet. They really don't cost much of anything. Just let me know which ones you guys want and what kind of t-shirts you're going to put them on (white or color). Jen and I have experimented with the transfers. They aren't perfect, but they work OK. The color t-shirt transfers have a sort of vinyl-like feel to them (Caution: anyone who owned a Star Wars or Dukes of Hazzard T-shirt in the '70s will likely have flashbacks to childhood while wearing them).
I've been looking into having shirts and hats embroidered or screen printed. If you guys are interested, let me know. It looks like alot of the places online will do free embroidery if you order a minimum of 12 identical pieces. We could also check pricing with Sandy.
What do you think?
9:11 AM
Re: The photoshopping of your head
Well, I knew you wanted to keep your identity a secret and I just couldn't find a model that was even close to being as ripped as you. It was really easy to Photoshop the head on. The underwear was the hard part.
9:16 AM
I'd like a blue and orange one and I'll probably put it on a grey shirt. As far as an ebroidered one goes, I think I'd want one if they aren't outrageously priced. I bet the Dwarf will too but I don't want to speak for her.
On a sepearate note, has anyone ever had any funny sounding "words" show up in the Word Verification section? I just had niewtek which seemed close to neuticle.
9:18 AM
Yeah, the last 3 times I've posted it's been "asktutu"
9:21 AM
Hey! I just realized that these t-shirts will be just in time to celebrate the blog's 1 year anniversary.
9:32 AM
What are these "70s" that Michizzle has mentioned? /face_confused
1:04 PM
Well, you see, in back in the Mesozoic era there was the Triassic period, the Jurassic period, the 70s, and then the Cretaceous period.
2:48 PM
and then the Grunge period?
2:58 PM
Yeah, but I think it was called the Grungozoic era.
3:13 PM
All I can say is the iron transfers are awesome! I can't decide now. I was going to put it on a pink shirt. But I like the pink one too. Maybe the pink one on a white t-shirt and the other one on a grey t-shirt. Thoughts? Josh might want one too!
6:49 PM
Pink one fer me pls, I'll find sumthin' to slap one on :) *wonders if her dnd bag is iron proof*
8:41 AM
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