Thursday, March 31, 2005

dinner on Saturday

The D.L. and I are doing dinner on Sat. from the new Thai place by our house. Please send your orders. Felhammer and Alessia got a menu on Friday. Kaironen and Wolfie, I stuck one in your box at work about a month ago. Loki and Malakar - D.L. is getting two more so we will give you one.

Peace Out!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Uncle Fellhammer *awww*

Ok, I've told just about every other online forum I actively post in. Fell's sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Lehna, yesterday at 10:05 am. She was 7 lbs 10 oz and 19.5" tall. Pictures can be seen at our personal blog, Knotts Burrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hello 1984!

Was just finishing my morning perusal of Slashdot when I came across this scathing article. To quote the DA in the article:

I mean, you have many, many stab wounds and those 'Dungeons and Dragons' fantasy games involve swords and knives and daggers and things of that nature. There may be a connection but I can’t say for sure.

Brilliant! /smacks head on foamy cube wall....

Monday, March 28, 2005

Unavailable dates?

Hey Everyone,

We started talking a little on Friday about when people can and can't make it and I'm wondering if there are any Fridays in May that are not good for some people. I'm planning a long-weekend camping trip with a friend of mine and if there's a weekend that others can't make it already I'll try to plan my trip for the same time. Thanks.


Sunday, March 27, 2005

Sexual Moments in Video Game History

Here's the link I told you about Friday night from 8 bit graphics - oh my! But its still NOT safe for work.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Apropos dog parks...

An episode of Pooch Cafe refers to dog parks. This strip is pretty funny in general, especially for dog owners.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

XP from 3 weeks ago

That's me, timely as always. You guys gained 550XP each for your most recent batch of "heroic" deeds. If this puts anyone into a new level do you mind if we wait until next week to do the leveling up? You do mind? Well then how 'bout we wait for 6 weeks? That's what I thought. Next week it is. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Next Friday - Maybe saturday

Would anyone be interested in playing on Saturday night, April 2nd, instead of Friday, April 1st? Michele and I can't make it Friday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Are we meeting up this Friday (March 25th) for D&D?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ultimate Gaming Tables

This diversion from work was posted on Slashdot. Honestly, I do work, I'm just a multitasker: sweet map projection system and the UGT, the Ultimate Gaming Table. Fell's banquet table set up for tabletop gaming is dually humbled...

Monday, March 14, 2005

*crickets* Hulloooo *crickets*

Its been too quiet around here lately. So to spice things up, here's at least 100 Ways to Annoy a Cleric , IGN's 10 Least Played D&D Classes, the pacifist cleric does look interesting, and of course, what D&D class are you in real life quiz . I was a half-elf ranger/paladin, odd multiclassing I must say :-) Enjoy and if you're traveling over spring break, have save and happy travels!!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Because Everyone Loves a Musical

Must. control. urges. to. buy. Broadway. tickets. to. this. show. Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean? :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Order of the Stick

My thanks to Loki for mentioning the new Order of the Stick (#153 actually) -

Very funny! I feel we have been doing a lot of sending the Meat Shields in first.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Cool map cgi thingy

This is a map of the countries I have visited, generated by a cgi on a web page that also has a variety of other cool little tricks on it (google hacks, alife simulator, etc. etc.)

create your own visited countries map