Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Weekly Dose of Geek Humor

In case you don't read the Foxtrot comic daily (I admit, I do!), check out this week's Foxtrot. It introduces a new game, Houses and Humans, or HnH which sounds a lot like The Sims table top RPG.


Blogger Frank said...

I never did figure out what was so attractive about the Sims. I tried playing it for a while, but gave up when I noticed that I was getting at least as stressed out about having to remember to take out the virtual garbage and wash the virtual dishes as I was about actually having to take out the garbage and wash the real dishes every day.

But I guess maybe it's more appealing for kids who haven't yet had to confront the horrific drudgery of real life (cf. Drugstore Cowboy reference to tying shoes). (yes, I have housekeeping issues).

4:03 PM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

I really enjoy the Sims - for a short time anyways, maybe a week tops. I always seem to get really whiney Sims though. That's when they get sent to the pool of death - have them exercise in the pool, pull out the ladders, and speed up time until they die. I do have 2 good Sims stories:

First, I created a female Sim who was career and science focused. She started to get lonely and talked to the crazy bunny that shows up when a Sim hasn't had enough social interaction. I figured it was time for her to get a guy. So, after much ado, I got her a husband. Unfortunately, her entire goal set changed after marriage from fears about losing knowledge points, to fearing her husband wouldn't "whoopee" with her. He got the pool of death - much to the detriment of her mental health.

Second, at that Sims wedding, one of the female guests climbed into a hot tub naked and scared off all my guests. Apparently, there's a bug in the game and she wouldn't come out for (in game) weeks! Invaribly, whenever my Sim or any other would pass by the front of the house, they'd scream and run from naked hot tub chick I finally searched for an in game work around which involved just deleting the hot tub and putting the game back to live mode. When I did that, the naked chick appeared on my lawn, peed herself, and died from starvation within 30 seconds. Guess I could have found that bug fix a little quicker :D

4:50 PM

Blogger Zoe said...

I think I have like a -9 to my make it work on time roll. I do have have a +12 to spot and search for "loot" in my neighbors' driveways.

9:30 AM

Blogger Michizzle said...

Wow! I never really wanted to play the Sims until I read Christina's post. I never knew the characters could get naked and pee on themselves.

11:42 AM

Blogger lkmanitou said...

Oh, Michizzle, Sims can do MUCH more than getting naked and peeing on themselves :D

This gaming diary from the Sims 2 convinced me to play the game in particular the last picture on the page for Day 6. Flaming garden gnome hell!! hehe...

12:53 PM


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