Thursday, February 24, 2005


Anybody know where I can get a set of these?

Turn Up the Radio!

I was very surprised to get in my SUV this morning and hear a song about D&D on the radio. Being the internet fiend I am, I found a copy and Kris posted it to our site for your listening pleasure. Its NOT safe for work, so I'd recommend headphones. Enjoy!! DnD.mp3

EDIT: And, phesh, what where they thinking using a d12 for DnD?? Everyone knows its a d20 :-)

Lizzie Bordeaux

lizzie bordeaux

Dr. Angela Death

Dr. Angela Death

Asthmadeus, Prince of Dimness


Aretha Garlique

Aretha Garlique

King Aldrinktotat

King Aldrinktotat

Glumda, Wicked Witch of Depressed


Dinner Decision

OK, so it's not a huge change from our usual Quizno's pick but Jessica and I have chosen Jimmy John's for this week. Let us know what you'd like!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Looks like advertising has begun for the 2nd in the series...


Have you guys seen these new bobbleheads yet? I hear there are 8 in the series...


Dinner Friday

I think it's our turn again, but we haven't come up with a definite choice - any suggestions? Do Fellhammer and Alessia want to join us (if we promise to pick only normal kinds of food)?

Photo of the Day

what a wookie!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Settle down, they're just XP

Dear Killers of the Underworld Denizons,

Due to the recent demise of several creatures formerly of Rapan Athuk you have hereby been awarded 1,470 XP each. On behalf of all good beings and servants of the light, thank you. On behalf of the other inhabitants of Rapan Athuk, you look delicious.


P.S. Anyone who gets to level up because of this please let me know.

Monday, February 21, 2005

No D&D Fridays Coming Up

I remember us discussing 1-2 upcoming Friday evenings which we can't meet up for D&D. What are the dates for the nights which we have conflicts? Thanks - don't want to make a drive from Indy to Lafayette on accident :-)

Friday, February 18, 2005

Dinner time!

This week's pick is ....(drumroll)..... Gordy's Sub Shop!!! Their menu can be found at (Thanks Kris! (that explosion in your office this morning...NOT MY FAULT....really!!))

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Latest XP Update

Hey Everybody,

Just to keep you up to date, your (mis)adventures from our last day of gaming earned each of you 450XP. This week will be much more fruitful for any surviving members.


Monday, February 14, 2005

GenCon 2005 Registration

Just a little geeky PSA: Registration for GenCon Indy 2005 has started! Its scheduled for August 18th-21st at the Indiana Convention Center. Kris and I are planning on attending all four days. Is it bad that I've had those few days blocked off on my work calendar for vacation days for over a year now?? :-)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

costume assistance needed!

My wardrobe seems to be missing anything long, black, and dreary enough for my witch character. Does anybody have a black dress or cloak that I could borrow? I don't think my character will be comfortable in my one black dress (which is short and has white polka dots, and is too small for me now anyway...)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Mystery Dinner Time

What time are we meeting on Saturday?

Saturday but not Friday?

I would like to propose that we postpone DnD this week, and pick up again on the 18th. Lately I have been feeling a lot better when I have at least one weekend evening where I can get 8 hours of sleep before the baby decides it's time to wake up for good (usually at about 6am). I always thought people with kids went home early because the *kids* needed sleep. HA!

If everyone else is absolutely set on playing on Friday, I will be there, but that may make Saturday evening a little bit harder get through.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dinner for Mystery Night

Here is the dinner we are planning for the mystery night. Let us know if there are any problems.

Chicken - marinaded and grilled
Couscous with nuts and veggies in it
Hummus and pitas
Chocolate Fudge Cake with Vanilla Icecream