Anybody know where I can get a set of these?
I was very surprised to get in my SUV this morning and hear a song about D&D on the radio. Being the internet fiend I am, I found a copy and Kris posted it to our site for your listening pleasure. Its NOT safe for work, so I'd recommend headphones. Enjoy!! DnD.mp3
OK, so it's not a huge change from our usual Quizno's pick but Jessica and I have chosen Jimmy John's for this week. Let us know what you'd like!
I think it's our turn again, but we haven't come up with a definite choice - any suggestions? Do Fellhammer and Alessia want to join us (if we promise to pick only normal kinds of food)?
Dear Killers of the Underworld Denizons,
I remember us discussing 1-2 upcoming Friday evenings which we can't meet up for D&D. What are the dates for the nights which we have conflicts? Thanks - don't want to make a drive from Indy to Lafayette on accident :-)
This week's pick is ....(drumroll)..... Gordy's Sub Shop!!! Their menu can be found at (Thanks Kris! (that explosion in your office this morning...NOT MY FAULT....really!!))
Hey Everybody,
Just a little geeky PSA: Registration for GenCon Indy 2005 has started! Its scheduled for August 18th-21st at the Indiana Convention Center. Kris and I are planning on attending all four days. Is it bad that I've had those few days blocked off on my work calendar for vacation days for over a year now?? :-)
My wardrobe seems to be missing anything long, black, and dreary enough for my witch character. Does anybody have a black dress or cloak that I could borrow? I don't think my character will be comfortable in my one black dress (which is short and has white polka dots, and is too small for me now anyway...)
I would like to propose that we postpone DnD this week, and pick up again on the 18th. Lately I have been feeling a lot better when I have at least one weekend evening where I can get 8 hours of sleep before the baby decides it's time to wake up for good (usually at about 6am). I always thought people with kids went home early because the *kids* needed sleep. HA!