Dinner Friday
I think it's our turn again. We were thinking about Thai Basil. Requests?
I'd like to start by congratulating everyone on barely surviving to almost get into the mausoloeum that leads to the dungeon which is where you're actually going. I see nothing but good things in your future. And as a reward each of you gets 1,600 XP. Not a bad start. Just imagine how quickly the XP will add up after a few of you get killed off! If you guys had just let Loki get carried away by the gargoyle the rest of you would've gotten about 150 more XP each. Think about that before rushing to someone's aid. Live and learn.
Hey Everybody,
Jessica and I will be getting dinner this Friday and we are having Quizno's. www.quiznos.com I know we picked that recently but damn, people, it was good! There are some things on the website that aren't on the menu of our local Quizno's so get your orders in fairly early so I can be sure we can get everything. If I remember (doubtful at best) and if I can figure out how to do it (incredibly doubtful at best) I'll try to put the menu for our Quiznos on the blog somehow. Peace, dawgs.
Well it seems it's our turn to get dinner. We have picked Akropolis. If you have not eaten there, it's like the Parthenon (greek food). We will be taking orders until 5PM Friday.
For all dog bringers:
Just a quick reminder...we are playing this Friday. But we need to finish up a few things before Kris and Christina join. So they will join us on 1/14. D&D was abbreviated on the 24th due to flight delays and my brother, so we did not get everything finished. Will that work for you two?