Monday, March 27, 2006


Is the plan to start DnD at the usual 6:30 on Saturday evening? Fell and I just found out about a b-day party for our neice this Saturday afternoon, so an afternoon start time would conflict with our schedule but evening meetup time would be fine. Thoughts?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dork humor

Maybe you've seen this before, maybe not, but it cracked me up:

There are 10 kinds of people in this world- those who unerstand binary and those who don't.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Date Change

Hey everyone,

#1. Don't forget, no D&D next week since the Dwarf will be deep in the Texan mines. (Sing it with me- "The ore that's mined, it sure is fine *clap clap clap clap* deep in the heart of Texas!")

#2. Will it be ok with everyone to switch the following week's session from Friday 3/30 to Saturday 4/1? The Dwarf's sire and his wench are coming to town for the NCAA tourney and will be arriving Friday right in the middle of D&D time but they'll be at the tournament on Saturday so in the interest of keeping our stress level as low as possible during a parental visit would everyone be all right with the switch? Thanks.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Friday Fixin's

Fell will be stopping by The Other Pub to pick up dinner for Friday night. Post your orders if interested :D

Monday, March 13, 2006


Nyx 64% hit rate
Ayra 67% hit rate
Wilhelm 0% hit rate
Elegost 100% hit rate

Nyx 10% of kills
Ayra 70% of kills
Wilhelm 0% of kills
Elegost 20% of kills

Hits only take into account hits that have the ability to do damage. Figured in are melee, ranged, and spells. As long as the attack hits at least one target(only enemies count so stop shooting me in the back) it counts as a hit.

The stats will be cumulative so I'll continue to add to them as the band has adventures.

Friday, March 10, 2006

OOTS more

Here is the last one. Now I am caught up and will try to stay caught up - for what that'w worth.

F dxaqgxd oaq cbfr oaqi rbr pbc rlbr?
I thought you said your dad was dead?

OOTS defined

Or at least as far as I have gotten.

Here are the answers to the cryptograms I have done so far. There are some I had guess at since he seems to have little lapses during one set of crytograms. For example, b=r and then suddenly a few lines later, b=i and does so for the rest of the page. But overall, I think they are right.

Ufxm ft, rwra, fkmt bfe xfxxa…
Come on, baby, open for mommy....

Jpz rezncw gpsi! Pndb! Hxj hpd’e jpz pndb??
You stupid lock! Open! Why won’t you open??

Qpcdq ep icgg jpz…
Going to kill you…

C xfeb Flfvcdq-kzfgcej gpsir!
I hate Amazing-quality locks!

Qbb, exfdir, dp nubrrzub exbub
Gee, thanks no pressure there

Wfld ce! PNBD!!
Damn it! OPEN!!

C fl epefggj cd gpyb hcex jpz.
I am totally in love with you.

Aqmd. Rmtdwx!
Wait. Listen!

Fqgj mx dow qwrrt! Fqgj! FQGJ!
Back in the cells! Back! BACK!

Qddd, baxww.
Ewww, gross.



Fx, ztbv, vktv aupqbev qxusf’v ntou sufsu. Qtzs qxf’v zxpo vktv ztd.
No, wait, that verdict doesn’t make sense. Laws don’t work that way.

B’au suuf ufxlck xi nd Vkbuaus’ Clbwq ipbufqs sufv vx jpbsfx vx ofxz vktv vkbs
I’ve seen enough of my Thieves’ Guild friends sent to prison to know that this

skxlwq ktau huuf t exfabebxf.
should have been a conviction.

Hlv…hlv bv qxusf’v ntou tfd sufsu!
But…but it doesn’t make any sense!

Fx! B’n fxt XO, vkbs zkxwu vpbtw ntqu FX SUFSU!
No! I’m not OK, this whole trial made NO SENSE!

Zu ZUPU clbwvd! Bv skxlwq ktau huuf t clbwvd aupqbev! B etf lfqupsvtfq bi vkud
We WERE guilty! It should have been a guilty verdict! I can understand if they

ztfvuq vx puqleu vku sufvufeu qlu vx vku ebpelnsvtfeus, hlv bv skxlwq ktau svbww huuf
wanted to reduce the sentence due to the circumstances, but it should have still been

t clbwvd aupqbev.
a guilty verdict.

Xk, fuaup nbfq. B qxf’v ofxz zkd B’n hxvkupbfc.
Oh, never mind. I don’t know why I’m bothering.

Ztbv – Uwtf, zktv qbq dxl rlsv std?
Wait – Elan, what did you just say?

Xk nd cxqs, Uwtf! Vktv’s bv! Uwtf, dxl’pu t cufbls!
Oh my gods, Elan! That’s it! Elan, you’re a genius!

Rst azq’e tqmgowezqm kg, ws hge kg xtwe wzr efze rst’og z couyum lueaf zqd rsto
You can’t understand me, so let me just say that you’re a frigid bitch and your

efuyfw hssp cze uq efze zokso.
thighs look fat in that armor.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

dinner tomorrow

It is our turn to get dinner. We are thinking of going to Mad Mushroom. We know we just went there, but we love it and we are not creative about these types of things. If you would like us to get you something, please let us know!

from dooce's blog...kind of

I am spending time procrastinating and reading Dooce's blog. I read an entry from earlier this week which had a link to this blog:

Dooce was quoting the bit about being a "Mac user."

What struck me is that this person is like me: "Yesterday I ordered a Mac. My current computer was my college graduation gift, and uses both AOL and dial-up, so not only am I a dinosaur, I’m an Amish dinosaur. I typically upgrade my electronics about once a decade. I think this is sort of a Brown thing—we clung to our Betamax until I was a freshman in high school, and my first car had an 8-track player. It was landmark that 2005 saw me upgrade my cell phone AND purchase a DVD player, because I still own and operate a walkman on a daily basis. But now that I’ve officially ushered in the dawn of superior computer technology, it’s going to be like freaking 1997 up in here."

Granted my walkman broke about a year and a half ago - but I considered replacing it with another walkman when Phollower asked me if I was nuts.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Chow Time

I think it's my turn again. How does Jimmy John's sound?

I'm sad to report that once again, Michizzle will not be joining us. She has a paper due on Monday, and she is also working on her big ass paper for her project.