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Hi all!
What soap opera does your life most resemble?
Fell and I are going to pick up some Mad Mushroom for dinner this week. Post here if you're interested :D
loki -- [noun]: A person who has the ability to be invisible 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
Hobbit and Elf Name Generator
Just a little plug for a popular online blog tool I finally started using this week, Bloglines. If you read 2389043078954789 blogs per day, it keeps you from hitting the refresh button on multiple blogs repeatedly...not that I do that...*cough* Anyhoo, it notifies you whenever a blog on your list is updated. There's even an unofficial OOtS feed, no more spamming the site on new comic days :)
Just a reminder, my sister will be here this weekend. We are going to pick up dinner at Blue Nile. Let me know what you want. It is Mediterranean. If you want suggestions or have questions, let me know. I will try to get a take-out menu tomorrow.
My little sister's going to be visiting over the weekend of Feb 24th. Would it be ok if she comes along with me to our DnD session that Friday? Most likely, she'll spend the evening reading or listening to her ipod. Lemme know if it would cause any probs :)
"It's me, the 8th dwarf, "Stabby'." Seems to fit well with a party full o' shorties.
I'll be picking up Quizno's tonight. Please have your order in by 5:00pm.
I am trying to decide on my 2nd level 1 spell. I am thinking either sleep or expiditous retreat. Sleep would let me put up to 4 HD of creatures to sleep (so we could coup de grace them) for 2 minutes (1/per level). To give you an idea, a kobold is 1 HD; an orge is 4 HD. I can cast this in a 10ft radius up to 120 ft away (100 ft + 10 ft/level). Expitidous retreat would allow me to move 30 more feet as a part of my single movement. So I could move 50 feet and then shoot - allowing me to move around creatures and still hit them and move into spaces which are not covered by attacking allies. I am really torn. Thoughts?
We're going to get food from Mad Mushroom Pizza today. Please let us know by 4:30 if you'd like anything!
Word cloudy that is!