Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Our blog can now be accessed from the URL www.supkitty.com. If you elect to travel via this path, you should see a flash of a redirect page (likely full of ads for penis enlargement and offshore pharmaceutical companies) before landing at the blog.

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm back!!!

Here is the reason that I have been conspicuously absent from the blog for the past week and a half.
(This is a 7MB download. Sorry, I didn't have a chance to save it as a streaming file.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Drudging up politics again...

Found a couple more interesting sites:
We understand.

Twas the Friday after Thanksgiving...

Hey. We will be playing D&D this Friday, November 26th. But due to some logistical problems everyone will be responsible for their own food this week. If you want to bring food to eat at our place that's fine or if you just want to eat ahead of time that's cool too.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Forget that last one...

OK. The CME X-Mas Extravaganza has been changed once again. We will now not be able to play on Dec 17th but will be able to play on Dec 10th. If you'd like to be mad at me feel free to do so. Death Lord out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

D&D Day Off

Hey Everybody,

Due to the world-famous Computers Made Easy Holiday Celebration Jessica and I will be unable to play D&D on December 10th. It was originally scheduled for the 11th and we thought we'd be able to get out of it because we have a hockey game to go to that night but apparantly our presence is so sought after that the night was changed so we could attend. Sorry for the inconvenience. Believe me, I'm really, really sorry about having to go. Jen, Michele, Adam... you know what I'm talking about.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

That time again.. Dinner?

Whos turn is it this week? Mine? If so I was thinking Papa Murphys pizza? If not then I submit to the will of the runner (provided that runners will is not McD's).

Victory in the Culture War

It occurs to me that the Bushists have shown relatively little ability to follow through on their "victories" in Afghanistan and Iraq. Perhaps (we may hope) their "victory" in the culture war will be equally pyrrhic.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

New additions (editions?)

Ok, let's see if this works. Let me introduce young Master William Francis, Esq. and his faithful doggy companion Andy.

picture of william

In and out of weeks and almost over a year

My last silly dog picture - I promise.*
*Unless, of course, they decide to play poker at some point.

Thanks for the invite

Thanks for the invite...and since I see other dogs here I'll add mine too.

Say hello to bandit.

"And now," cried Maizy, "let the wild rumpus start!"

Click me!
I knew I'd seen that dog somewhere before!

Our new addition who quickly stole Sam's spot in the window. She's going to fit right in. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Posting Photos

Remind me to show you guys how to post photos. It's pretty easy - the only catch is that Blogger.com will not host the them. You just have to upload them to another host and embed an html tag in your message to display them. For example, all of the images I've posted are actually sitting in my personal web space on Purdue's server.

If you don't have web space, fear not - there is also a free service called Hello Bloggerbot where you can upload and share. In fact, it appears that it will also allow you to resize photos and upload without an ftp program.

Maizy - Dog of a Thousand Faces

Maizy was feeling a little sad about her lack of exposure on the blog. Here you go Crazy Maizy - represent!
Maizy - doatf

Monday, November 08, 2004

It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica and Steve have also added a new member to their family. They have a new little girl named Marisol Huber-Preischel. She weighed in at around 35 pounds (Steve is exhausted). She also has alot of hair and a full set of teeth (Steve is having a hell of a time nursing her)!
Congratulations Steve and Jessica!


Friday, November 05, 2004

Off to the basement...

So, all this talk about sending people to the basement got me thinking:

What would happen if, some random day next year, every gay person just stayed home for the day? Could the Christian Right continue to run the country without gay help?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee (my sister) had her baby, a boy named Peter Thaddeus. He was 7 lbs, 7 ounces (don't tell Elaine the weight) and 19 1/4 inches long. He is fine and so is Renee. Yeah!!!

Some more G Dubya humor

Best of Dubya Speak

Chocolate Milk - a haiku

mmmm chocolate milk
you make my ass much bigger
still I must drink you


Jen and I will be picking up dinner this Friday. This week's pick is Basil. Please add your food orders as comments to this post and don't forget your bubble tea!

What does everyone think of the blog so far?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Samwise: The Dog, the Legend.

The heart of a true outlaw - trapped in the body of a dog with bad knees and severe allergies.
Sam on Halloween

So, after reading Loki's comments on Ripley, I was going to mention something about how masculine Sam's Halloween garb was. Then I remembered - the Village People also had a cowboy.

Loki and Michizzle meet the Potbelly Sandwich Works

So we just had dinner at Potbelly Sandwich Works (now that it's "finally open"). The verdict is in and it's ... two thumbs down...way down!

First off - let me dash Steve's hopes by saying although it is called Potbelly, I saw no brownies of any kind on the menu.

The food itself is just so-so, yet somewhat expensive. For example, I found myself paying $1.00 for one of those huge deli pickles. Which doesn't really seem excessive - until they cut it in quarters for you. Then you realize that you've just blown a buck on 4 f*cking pickle spears.

Then there's the whole drink thing. Now, don't get me wrong, I know Americans drink way too much soda. In fact, I'm all for downsizing on the usual "Bucket o' Coke", but shouldn't $1.39 buy more than a dixie cup? Sure, it's not quite as bad as the movie theater, but at least there one expects to get reamed and can get their feet properly set in anticipation.

Hey! Stop laughing at me! If a bumblebee can fly...

The Big R on Halloween
I need some more candy so I can outgrow this stupid costume by next halloween.
-The big R
"Dog of action"

leveling up

Just a reminder - you have to contact Steve BEFORE Friday to level up. We are not doing this on Friday. Thought we might need that reminder since I had not heard of anyone contacting him, but maybe he is hiding it from me.

Tha 411 on di double n er

Basil has taken the lead in the race for Friday's dinner. Things don't look good for Gordy's(i). Of course, we still don't have the final counts from Alexbama, and Preischelvania.

And, of course, don't forget the other issue on your dinner ballots. Remember - You'll need at least 50% of the vote to send Jen and I to eat in the basement.

Oh Canada!

Sorry - just practicing my new national anthem. Does anyone else believe that, if given the opportunity, the christian right would vote you out of existence? All I'm saying is if you ever see my name on one of those questions at the end of the ballot, please read CAREFULLY.

OK, then

I just wanted to be sure I could do this... I'm not that bright ya know.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Ok, now what?

Can you hear me? Am I talkin' ta you? Are you talkin' ta me? Are YOU talkin' ta ME?


Phollower y The Dwarf,
What do you think of the quick and dirty 'Sup Kitty logo?
Not quite ready for your t-shirts - but it's a start.
Let me know if you have any ideas.

Loki and the Cleric

Hey! We're still missing Loki and the Cleric. Where are you guys?
Too bad the Cleric isn't a monk. Then the title of this post could've been "Loki and the Monk" which sounds very much like a bad 1970's TV show.

It's Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally I have someone else to talk to!
Wayward - thanks for the props on the decor. As for the shag - I think it's due to make a comeback soon.

Not the Monk

This is a nice place you have here.. I would probably do something with the carpet though.. I mean really pale green shag!

Monday, November 01, 2004


Oh stop! You're embarrassing me!


That sounds great. By the way, has anyone ever told you how fabulously charming you are? Your combination of wit, charisma, and extrordinary beauty is almost too much to take!


How about Basil again. That was great the last time.

Chirp, chirp!

OK. Maybe I should get the ball rolling. What should we do for dinner on Friday?

Hola mis amigos. Welcome to our blog muy fabuloso.

Hello...anyone there? I can hear the sound of crickets chirping from my computer. That's not a good sign, is it?
Thus far, the dwarf is the only other active member in our new blog (and i think she must be trapped in a pit). I'm afraid no one is taking me seriously. Fine. I'll just go home and bite my pillow!