Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wolfie and Kaironen return...

...for a day. They will be able to join us on Monday at 11!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

mad skillz

With my whopping 1 skill point I got for levelling up, I put that one point in Knowledge(Arcana). With my -1 INT, all my Knowledge(Arcana) checks will have a whopping +0. If only I had known that there are no throw away stats on a favored soul....

Anywhoo, just wanted to make sure that we don't double/triple up this time on some skills like all of us celestial speakers. :) Plus, we'll be able to check out the cards we picked up during the last session with my new found knowledge.

this was really, really funny to me....

check out the daily photo from Tuesday on Dooce (yes I am behind a bit):

I hope you laugh as hard as I did.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Tactic from GenCon Seminar

The BOD and I attended an advanced dnd tactics seminar on Saturday afternoon. While it was not what we expected as it focused on building/improving a gaming group, there was a good idea that we picked up on to help prep for the DM and lessen downtime. Before each session, the PCs should plan out which general direction they would like to head for the next gaming session. Helps get the flow of the gaming session going and helps the DM by not needing to prep the entire floor of a dungeon for one session. If we're able to get a map up of our current progress thru the dungeon, do ya'll think this sounds like a good idea? We did pick up some nice software at GenCon that has you input a 2-D dungeon layout and automatically can transform it to a 3-D rendering with dungeon-y walls that can be used for this, too.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

True Dungeon Riddle Reveal

Here's a breakdown of the riddles in all the rooms for the above ground adventure in True Dungeon.

Room 1: Column room. The intent of this room was to get the group to work together. If the egg was dropped, it would have smashed and triggered a shadow monster encounter.

Room 2: Fairy room. Tears of the mother were a clue to look at the stalagtites in the room for the stone to be placed in the pool.

Room 3: Clock room. The drawer was a red herring and intended to show that "Notes IX" was to be read backwards as "drawer" is "reward" spelled backwards. The riddle was to be solved by positioning the rod to have the middle post cast a shadow on 11 o'clock.

Room 4: Silence spell room. We figured this riddle out fairly easily. On the hard core after 9 pm runs, the riddle was written in invisible ink which was only seen after casting a Detect Magic spell.

Room 5: Poisoned number panels room. We solved this one using Detect Poison but there was also a logic method to solve it. The panels were in alphabetical order and fifteen was the number we needed. The clue stated that it was as easy as "one, three, two" to get us thinking about alphabetizing.

Room 6: Scrying pool room. Bardic symbols were also a red herring. The correct bottle was the smallest, most plain bottle. If we would have dumped the correct liquid in the pool, we would have seen an infared view of the battle below in the dungeon.

Room 7: Room of Death. It was just a matter of not having enough time to get the pieces in the correct order. Apparently, the groups that lived only let one or two people work on it.

In our opinion, the dungeon based battle was a lot tougher than the above the ground. Granted, we went through on the "hard core" ruleset so had more traps, took more damage, and monsters' stats were beefed up. We made it to the second to last room and all our party but one died.

Time to sleep now, tired after 4 days!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New Dwarven Feats

Here are a couple suggestions for the new Fighter Feats for Anath and Seth. Although we should decide at what point Seth is going to muti-class as a cleric if we're still leaning toward doing that.

Anath: Cleave (We gave her Power Attack at 1st level, which is a prerequisite)
Seth: Weapon Focus (morningstar), maybe? I was trying to come up with something better but can't. Or do we want to make him a 1st level cleric (so no feat this level but he'll get 2 at 3rd level when he gets his 2nd fighter level)?

If you have any better ideas I'd love to hear them.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Band of Squishies Blog

I've set up a new blog to tell the details of our DnD sessions at Band of Squishies Blog since I noticed I was getting a bit long winded during my write-up this morning. I relish the idea of innocent bystanders running across the blog and wondering just what the hell Saphira's occupation as a favored soul is :) Enjoy and let me know if you want an invite to post over there.

Friday, August 12, 2005

dinner tonight

Caprico and I are getting dinner from Jimmy John's. If you would like to place an order, post it by 4.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

True Dungeon Timeslot

What timeslot are we scheduled to run through True Dungeon on Thursday? I'm trying to work out times that would be feasible for Bandit to go to day care so he won't be couped up in the kitchen for four days. Thank yas!

Monday, August 08, 2005

dwarf #2

STR 17
DEX 10
INT 10
CON 17 (15 +2 dwarf)
CHA 6 (8 -2 dwarf)

dwarf #1

CON 16 (14 +2 dwarf)
WIS 12
CHA 9 (11 -2 dwarf)
DEX 12
INT 11
STR 16

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Meet Saphira

No picking on her gimpy right eye - I spent like 45 minutes trying to fix it. Or her hooker red lipstick either...she's not a favored soul for nuttin'! :)

I really like how the hair and cloak turned out by using red and chestnut washes, much better than the gimpy eye. All ready have the extra 100 gp spent, too!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dinner tonight

Hi everyone & welcome back!

We will pick up some food from Culver's on our way over. If you would like to partake, please post your orders by 5pm. Menu is at:

Will came down with a fever of 102 yesterday afternoon. His fever is better now, and he seems fine, but he stayed home from school today because of the rule that they have to be 24 hours without a fever. I might have to leave early (that is, even earlier than usual) and get him to bed if the fever comes back this evening.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

And So We Return

A few heal potions and hit points later we return from our journey to the Last Great American Frontier. We have photographic evidence of our adventures in Alaska. There is a play/pause button between the forward and back buttons, it just doesn't always show up. It should run as a slide show.

Friday & New Linky

Just wanted to make sure that we're meeting up for one more round of Rappan Athuk tomorrow night.

Also, I found this link - D&D for Complete and Utter Idiots. Just remember, shiny good, fire bad!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Request for GenCon attendees

There'll be an new OOTS book available exclusively at GenCon - if it doesn't involve *too* much standing in line, I'd be very grateful if someone could pick me up a copy. Here's the info so far: OOTS book link.
