Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Mainly for The Dwarf...
Ok, I thought the series was over but noooooooo, 20+ years just isn't enough. Behold, Dark Tower: The Comic Book. King's going to make me reach new levels of geekhood, comic books, just so I can learn more about Gilead :( :( :(
That is one righteous turd!
Gaarggh inquiring about a fake pile of crap on the counter at the Halloween store.
Gaarggh: "How much is this turd?"
Sales lady: "I'm sorry. It's not for sale."
Outside the store a few moments later -
"That turd was righteous. It was battery operated and made gurgling noises."
"I cant believe it wasn't for sale!! Why is it in the store if they don't sell them!?!"
"And did you notice that it was turned on? So you know she came in and flipped it on first thing this morning. Do you think it's part of the opening checklist?
Unlock door. Check.
Turn on open sign. Check.
Turn on turd..."
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Linky Goodness
For all of you LOST fans, a music video set to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsady. Turn down the volume on your computer, cause it's pretty loud, and click on this linky.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Weekly Linkies!
Ok various themes to weekly linkies this week.
World's Tallest Dog: Loki mentioned this behemoth dog last Friday. All I can say is, I for one welcome our new canine overlords!
Kitten T-Shirt for Loki: As mentioned a few posts below about kittens :)
Video time, plug in those headphones and get ready to stifle some laughs :) All safe for work.
Why can't I play this on the bass guitar? I love the sounds of Mario getting coins!
Wish I got to sing cool medleys like this in high school choir
Wow...that's all, just WOW!
How in the HELL do you find out that you have this hidden talent?!?!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Alien Song
The Turkey cartoon made me think of one of my favorite 3D animations from SIGGRAPH 2001.
You can find a link to it here. The character only has one eye, but the facial expressions are fabulous.
Cool New Game
Here is a link to a shooting gallery game that Fell and Michizzle (and maybe Gaarggh)made for a going away thing for someone in their office.
DnD Upcoming Schedule
I know that last Friday we discussed a few dates that we aren't going to be able to meet up for DnD, but my mind's completely left me and cannot remember which dates.
The only date conflict Fell and I have at the moment is November 18th for the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie premiere :D
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Time to Faint...
I updated Band of Squishies blog with our latest exploits in the World's Largest Dungeon. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Some Thanksgiving humor
I like the two turkey dancers at the end!
Very Google-y Linkies
This week is fun with!
Try googling the following phrases and clicking the "I Feel Lucky" button:
- Bork Bork
- Klingon
- Elmer Fudd
- Pig Latin
- Hacker
- French Military Victories
Since we've discussed language barriers around the US, see if you speak like a Yank.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
New Euphemism
Last night I learned a useful euphemism at the Suicide Girls show.
Euphemism: kill a kitten
Meaning: every time you masturbate a kitten dies. To kill a kitten means to masturbate.
Usage: If Loki could pass a concentration check, she would use mage hand to kill a kitten.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Breaking the Silence
Awhile back, I picked up a book entiled Zobmondo which is chokful of questions about awkward/embarrasing/gross choices. Figured I'd share a question here to get the words flowing. Only one rule, no saying "I'd rather not do either choice".
Question 1: Would you rather be in New York with a Southern accent or in the South with a New York accent?
My answer: In New York with a Southern accent since I pick up a Southern twang much too easily. :)
Your turn!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Overheard while walking to the football game...
Ok, so John's got the "D" and Erin's got the "fence" right?
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Feed Me Seymour, Feed Me!!!
I'll cover picking up Friday night dinner. Since I'm a lazy bum that doesn't like to drive more than necessary, I'm going to pick up Olive Garden. If you're interested, please post by 4pm on Friday :D
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Failure Defined
Go to google and type the word failure into the search box, then hit the I'm feeling lucky button ( do not hit enter or google search). I love google.
By Popular Demand..Weekly Linkies!
Armor for Halloween: Ever want a set of armor but can't afford the tin can style? Go for cardboard - really quite nice looking for cardboard!
ASCII Art Generator: Create ASCII art from any picture on the 'net!
I'm always up for some Boromir humor myself...
Boromir's Invisible Phone
"One does not simply walk into Mortor.."
I swear this is a real song
We heard this song on Direct TV satellite radio this weekend. It is by the Bloodhound Gang and is called No Hard Feelings - ironically since it sounds like the guy has a TON of hard feelings.
Note: the lyrics are less than "work-friendly."
I can't find a streaming copy of the song - maybe one of our more technically competent members can.
Congrats on the LVL up
I don't know if you all know but true dungeons has updated their xp totals...and we are posted:
true dungeon xp
Might be old idea really
It Once Was Lost...
OK. Yes, I am a complete moron. You know there is a history button in Internet Explorer that keeps track of every place you've been, duh. So, now the link you've all been waiting for is ask pal.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Seriously, Read This Blog
I stumbled across this blog, because I'm addicted to the next blog button. Anyway... This blog is freaking hilarious, almost reminiscent of Home Star Runner. Well actually Strong Bad email, but you'll see.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I'm an idiot. I realize that I forgot to add the link, and now I've lost it. If I find it again I will post it.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Blog Link
I really enjoy this blog. I think the masthead says it all, pesky' apostrophe, always better that an unexpected period. This link comes to you by way of a friend in Philly.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Weekly Linkies - very pumpkiny
Just because I love carving pumpkins...
Extreme Pumpkins
Carving Pumpkins: Where I get most of my patterns.
Our pumpkins from 2003, tootin' my own horn :D
dinner on Friday
I will pick up Moe's for dinner on Friday if anyone is interested. The menu can be found at:
Send all orders by 4:30 on Friday.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
For Future Consideration
So I've gotten a few quotes back from the the first embroidery place. Here are the options so far:
(these are based on our 'sup kitty image on a minimum of 8 pieces of 1 product type. All prices are based on grey products - other colors are more expensive)
T-Shirt $15.64-18.14 each (depending on stitch count)
Cap 17.05 - 19.55 each
Hoodie 42.20-45ish each
We also have quotes on polo shirts and knit beanies coming (I couldn't resist).
These prices are before shipping. The shipping estimate on the sweatshirts was <$11.
What do you think? Seems pretty expensive, but they are custom embroidered garments.
Monday, October 03, 2005
'Sup Kitty logo tee transfers are here!

Choose from two stylish color schemes. Each transfer is approximately 4" wide and comes with an optional transfer for tee back or sleeve.
Quantities are limited. Don't miss out! Place your order today!
Price: $0.00 You save: A crapload of cash.
Please specify design and transfer type.
BOG-COLOR - blue/orange/grey kitty for color T-shirt
PINK-COLOR - pink kitty for color T-shirt
BOG-WHITE - blue/orange/grey kitty for white T-shirt
PINK-WHITE - pink kitty for white T-shirt
Doesn't Bob look dashing in his new 'Sup Kitty ringer tee?
And ladies - don't forget to think outside "the box". These transfers aren't just for t-shirts. Add a chic 'sup kitty logo to your favorite thong.
Men - try wrapping that package with a stylish new pair of 'sup kitty briefs! (Sorry, Steve. Maybe I can make you a temporary tattoo instead)

At these prices, they won't last! ORDER NOW!!!!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Links I Mentioned Last Night
Waiter Rant: Anonymous blog of a waiter
Opionistas: Anonymous lawyer blog I lurk the day away on the Tangency forum (requires registration to get to that forum)
OOTS related news Guess I'll have to start taking up a subscription to Dragon magazine now!